
Andy Brink, Founder

Prison Ministry



I have taught Bible studies in three different prisons for many years and I am finding men hungry for the truth of God's word. In the prisons I see men that are outside of the religious pretense of everyday Christendom. There is a hunger for the word and for worship that will encourage and inspire those on the outside. Many start off attending with hardened faces and hearts but end up broken by our faithful Lord and made new creations with changed lives. Joy and hope is restored as hate and fear are banished by the love of Jesus.

Visit our Blog and YouTube channel.

I can't tell you what an honor and a privilege it is to share God's word with the nations of the world. Here in America we often take for granted  having a church on every corner and a community of believers to encourage each other. In some countries, obtaining food and clean water are a daily struggle and they are hungry to know about God's love for them. They are not forgotten and Circuit Rider Ministries is doing what we can to reach out and encourage churches and church leaders in foreign lands. Providing for both physical and spiritual needs, it is a joy to work together with these saints. Bringing help and hope to their communities has been a true blessing.  

CRM President Andy Brink teaches Bible studies in Houston, Dallas and San Antonio. He also speaks at churches, retreats and schools.  His passion is communicating the love of God and sharing Christ's truths that bring liberty and freedom.

If your interested in attending a meeting, please email our office from the contact page for more information. We hope you enjoy our website and that you are encouraged in your faith.

"Traveling a circuit between Bible studies, prisons and missions outreach, to share God's love." 

Andy's Blog

 Hello, Welcome to the Circuit Rider Ministries Home page. 


   Our purpose in creating this website is to express to all of those who interact and connect in, the love of Jesus Christ, for you and for those around you. You were made and created for this sole purpose, to know and receive God's love. That's your purpose in life! God's desire and the reason He created you is because He wants someone to express His heart to. Matter of fact there's a passage in the scriptures that says He is to be called, "Emmanuel" meaning, "God with us". 

​Many of us believe in God but see Him as being distant, out there someplace. When Jesus came into this world it was His way of saying, "I'm not distant, I'm here with you." He is with you in this journey called life and is involved in your suffering and circumstances.

 My desire and hope is that you will begin to discern the fact that you've been lied to by the voices that say, "you're not loved or your on the outside,." God has been intimately and actively involved in your life. He is revealing the truth that He loves you and created you for His own special purpose. Thank you for visiting!  ​